Cassandra Tyler
We Have More Work To Do - Cassandra Tyler
We Have More Work To Do
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common birth defect in the U.S. Thanks to research and medical advances, death rates from CHD in the U.S. have declined by 37.5% since 1999. The Children's Heart Foundation is dedicated to funding CHD research so that all those born with CHDs get the chance to live longer, healthier lives.

Client: The Children's Heat Foundation
Producer: Cassandra Tyler

Editor: Cassandra Tyler

The New York chapter of The Children's Heart Foundation and their little heart warriors were invited to ring the stock market opening bell at the NASDAQ Bell Ringer Ceremony. This was a genuine opportunity for the foundation to speak about the importance of funding congenital heart defect research.

During this time, their featured content premiered on the NASDAQ Times Square video boards. This included two videos designed specifically for these displays. Full coverage of the event can be found through NASDAQ.